Innovation Support

What we do

At Minds Innovation Hub, we believe that innovation is key to solving the challenges facing rural communities and driving economic growth. That’s why we offer a range of services and support to help rural entrepreneurs and communities bring their innovative ideas to life.

Our Services:

  • Ideation and Prototyping: We provide support and resources to help rural entrepreneurs and communities take their ideas from concept to reality. Our team of experts can assist with prototyping and design, as well as provide mentorship and guidance.
  • Research and Development: Our research and development programs are designed to help rural entrepreneurs and communities identify and solve the most pressing challenges facing their communities.
  • Access to Technology and Equipment: Our innovation lab is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and equipment, providing rural entrepreneurs and communities with access to the resources they need to bring their ideas to life.
  • Networking Opportunities: Our networking events and community outreach initiatives provide rural entrepreneurs and communities with the opportunity to connect with each other and with potential partners and investors.

Why Innovation Matters:

Innovation is key to solving the challenges facing rural communities and driving economic growth. By providing rural entrepreneurs and communities with access to resources and support, we aim to unleash their full potential and bring about positive change.

Join Us:

If you’re a rural entrepreneur or community with an innovative idea, we want to hear from you. Join us and become a part of our vibrant community of innovators and changemakers.

Get Involved:

If you’re passionate about supporting rural innovation, there are many ways to get involved. You can volunteer your time, donate to our cause, or become a mentor.

Contact Us:

For more information on our innovation support programs and services, please reach out to us at info@mindsinnovation.coml or call us at +232 78121009. Let’s work together to bring about positive change for rural communities in Sierra Leone.